Other payment plans will be considered if you are finding it difficult to pay your fees according to the scheduled payment dates, you should contact
Finance Helpdesk to discuss your enrolment options at least 1 week before semester payment due date. In order for other payment plans to be considered, we need to understand the reason why your financial position has changed from when you joined the University and we may require documentary evidence in support of this.
You need to give careful consideration as to whether you will be able to meet the agreed payment plan as once it has been agreed, we will expect payment to follow.
Agreed payment plans will always ensure that semester tuition fee has been paid in full prior to the next academic year. If the fee due in a period of study is not paid, you will not be permitted to start your next academic year.
To apply, you'll need to:
submit a request to Finance Helpdesk for a further instalment(s) and include:
a. proposed up to a total of four instalment dates for payment of your outstanding fees (before swot vac ends)
b. supporting documents showing a change in your circumstances that were outside your control and have led to difficulty paying your fees
c. supporting documents showing that you're able to pay your outstanding fees by the proposed due date (e.g. proof of income, 3 months bank statement of a family member paying your fees).
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Last updated Fri, Feb 18 2022 12:55pm