Please do not ignore requests for payments and late fee payment correspondence. We want to ensure that you can pay your fees and if you are having difficulties please speak to, or contact us, as we can advise you as to your options or contact your department who will work with us to resolve the issues.
We can look to agree on
Pre-Approved Instalment Plan which would allow you to change the period you pay your fee in the short term, Or if the payment difficulties are likely to continue for an extended period of time, we can direct you to your School to discuss whether suspending your studies with the University would allow you time to resolve any financial difficulties.
If you wish to talk to someone about your fees situation, the University has a private meeting room in our Finance Unit where you can come and discuss your issues with one of our advisers.
Please write to
Finance Helpdesk for further discussion.
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Last updated Fri, Feb 18 2022 1:02pm